Nastassja Balick Coppers

Nastassja Balick Coppers

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker


English, French, Spanish


Marymount Manhattan College - BA in International Relations

Client Testimonials

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"Nastassja immediately understood my wishes & dreams. She showed me some options, all matching my personality, and very quickly we found the one!She was extremely helpful and gave me advice & support throughout the process in a very professional way. Beyond her professional skills, she has a very open & warm personality & made me feel completely comfortable & confident in this important decision."

"Nastassja’s unparalleled expertise, diligence and support make her your best asset when braving the NY market. She made me feel at ease every step of the way by anticipating my needs, optimizing strategy, and communicating clearly. Not only was the overall process seamless, but unexpectedly delightful. Truly a force to be reckoned with, she’s definitely someone you want on your team!"

Nastassja Balick Coppers’ Listings

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